Top 10 Reasons To Visit Canada At Least Once

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beautiful Lake Louise, one of the top reasons to visit Canada

O Canada, what a place. Like America but different. Safer, quieter, smaller portions of food. I wonder if Destination Canada needs a new marketing campaign for reasons to visit Canada?

But you know I’m not actually from Canada originally. I moved to Vancouver for a 6 month work visa when I was 23. I loved it so much that I spent the next 3 years trying to move here permanently. Now in my 40s I’ve been in Canada well over a decade, and have zero regrets.

I love Canada. I am now a full citizen of this fine country (I took an oath and everything). Which means I’m in a pretty good position to convince you to visit with these top reasons to visit Canada, and why it should be on your list.

We have mountains

driving views in the Canadian Rockies

Yep, we have mountains. Big ones. Like crane your neck out the side of the car while driving kind of mountains. I come from the UK. We have mountains but not many. Most of them are rolling hills which are really pretty. But then you come to Canada and you see what mountains really are.

Canadian mountains are beautiful and big and so damn close to the highway that you can’t even ignore them. I mean, why would you want to? If you want big mountains you need to head to British Columbia and Alberta. The Canadian Rockies should not be missed. Trust me!

Canada has lots of open spaces

Saskatchewan open spaces

Canada is the second largest country in the world by area size. That’s pretty impressive in itself. But our population is tiny compared to all those other big countries. We have only 38 million people. The USA is the third largest country in the world and their population is almost 330 million people. So that gives you an idea of just how much open space Canada has.

Yes there are large cities, but there are also wide open spaces, flat land in the prairies and entire provinces that have less people than some average cities (I’m looking at you Prince Edward Island). So rent a car and drive into the wide open country when you’re visiting Canada.

Maple syrup rules!

maple syrup - a Canadian staple

I couldn’t get too far down this list without mentioning one of Canada’s biggest exports. Are you even Canadian if you’ve never done a shot of maple syrup?

The number one breakfast condiment might not be consumed as much as stereotypical media would have you assume, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love the sweet sticky syrupy goodness every now and again.

And in most places you’ll find maple flavored goods a staple. So get yourself to a Timmy’s right away for the maple dip donut you’ve been craving.

Wildlife viewing is a daily activity

black bear in Whistler, BC

We have so much wildlife it’s unbelievable. For one, I guess with a smaller population there are less people to get in the way of all the animals. Many of them are left to their own devices and there’s no greater excitement than seeing a bear at the side of the road no matter how many you’ve seen.

Black bears, grizzly bears, moose, wolves and the most iconic Canadian animal, the beaver. We have it all. Go North in Manitoba to Churchill and you’ll even be able to take a polar bear tour! If that isn’t one of the best reasons to visit Canada, I don’t know what is.

Even in the city there are plenty of raccoons, skunks and coyotes. As a Brit I am always excited to see wildlife as even our coolest animals are too elusive to ever see, unlike in Canada.

There are some amazing natural wonders

Canada's Northern Lights

There are two main natural wonders you cannot miss if you come to Canada. The first is Niagara Falls. It’s iconic, and unfortunately in a very touristy town not too dissimilar to Las Vegas, but still is a must do activity if you’re visiting nearby Toronto. The other is the Northern Lights.

That’s right, we have multiple areas of the country where you can view the Northern Lights. Try going to the Northernmost areas of British Columbia, Ontario or Manitoba. But the Yukon and Northwest Territories are also some of the best places to camp out and view this magnificent phenomenon away from the bright city lights.

Train travel is king

Rocky Mountaineer - one of the top reasons to visit Canada

To drive from coast to coast in Canada without stopping would be the best part of 3 days. So if you want to get the most out of your trip to Canada and still get some sleep, hopping on a train might be the way to go.

VIA rail, our national rail company, do trips across the country where you can get a cabin onboard, or a seat if you’re feeling frugal. There are stops along the way so you can break your journey up. Did you know new Canadian citizens get a year long pass for 50% off rail travel through VIA rail? That’s a pretty sweet deal and a great way to see the country.

Looking for a little more luxury? How about taking the Rocky Mountaineer for a portion of the journey from Vancouver through to the Rockies. I can tell you first hand this is a train trip you will not want to miss. .

Coastlines for days (literally)

Canada's coastline - top reasons to visit Canada

Gosh does Canada have some unreal coastlines. I’m in Vancouver, right by the Pacific Ocean so I am all about the water. There are so many islands around here, as well as the big (unimaginatively named) Vancouver Island.

Getting on a ferry for a weekend or a camping trip is a popular activity, but you can also head on up the coast of the mainland (still needing the occasional ferry to get there).

Then there’s the other side of the country, the Maritimes: New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia. All have incredible coastlines with the most Insta-worthy lighthouse views. Seriously, get yourself over there and you’ll see what I mean.

We have more lakes than mountains

bow lake alberta

If oceans aren’t your thing then maybe I can entice you to Canada with some of the most beautiful lakes in the world. The Canadian Rockies just has lake after lake (with a few mountains in between).

You drive through the Rockies, and you’d think that you’ll get to the point of saying “oh look, another lake…yawn!”. But you can’t because they’re SO.DAMN.BEAUTIFUL!! The bluest turquoise lakes are so popular you need to get up early to find parking there, but it’s worth it.

Then there are the Great Lakes in Ontario: Huron, Erie, Ontario and Superior. I’ve never seen lakes like them. You almost think you’re at the ocean as seeing the other side is not possible in most places.

Culture is important to us

Native Canadian art is part of our culture

Canada is a land of immigrants. Like me! And with that a lot of different cultures are brought together. For the most part I see Canadians embracing this and it’s one of the things I truly love about the country. Little pockets of different cultures can be found around some of the bigger cities and with it some of the most amazing food from around the world.

But when you head to the Eastern part of Canada like Quebec, you might even think you’re in Europe. The architecture, the language and the traditions will confuse the heck out of you as you wonder “am I still in Canada?”. You are, and that’s why Canada is amazing. You can visit Europe without even leaving North America.

Canada is also a country that still celebrates a lot of its aboriginal people, the Indigenous people who were here before any settlers made Canada their home. I love learning about the First Nations cultures and traditions, and if you’ve ever seen Indigenous art you’ll agree the colorful depictions are fantastic.

There are lots of great museums where you can see this art and learn more about the aboriginal people of Canada. Make sure you don’t miss making this a big part of your trip.

The people are a friendly bunch

have a beer with your friend at a local brewery - is there anything more Canadian?

Canadians are friendly. And polite. I think the word sorry might be the most used word in Canada. They’ll even apologize for apologizing too much.

Canadians are hospitable, welcoming and will always be happy to join you for a beer. That’s what I love about the country. I’ve met some amazing people in my time here, and the laid back attitude is a breath of fresh air to many who visit Canada.

Travel with someone or travel solo, but if you come to Canada you won’t be lonely for long.

Reasons to visit Canada – you’ll love it

If these photos don’t make you want to come to Canada I don’t know what will. But I guess if you’ve made it this far you’re pretty interested in seeing more of what Canada is all about.

I don’t want to give it all away here – we have to keep some secrets for when you get here. So pack your plaid shirt and sharpen your skates, it looks like you’re off to Canada eh!

If you’ve enjoyed this post leave a comment or share using the social media buttons below. Have you been to Canada? Or is it on your list? What reasons to visit Canada would you give?

reasons to visit Canada, why it should be on your bucket list
top reasons to visit Canada

55 thoughts on “Top 10 Reasons To Visit Canada At Least Once”

  1. I love this post! And you’re right. Just in time for Canada day. What a wonderful country. I’ve been to a few place but haven’t made it to Vancouver yet! Still so many things to see! 🙂

  2. Canada is definitely on the top of my bucket list! What a wonderful nature and landscapes! And I know how much Canadians can be very friendly, I’ve meet a lot on the road and they were all super nice and friendly. Thanks for sharing

  3. Aww as a Canadian (and fellow Vancouver resident!), this post makes my heart so happy! So many great reasons to visit and I’m excited to explore more of our country when we can safely do so.

  4. This really makes me miss Canada! I’ve only been once. My dad and I visited Lake Tew in the Ontario region for a week of fishing. There are so many lakes that you literally have the entire lake to yourself, with just the one cabin on it. It’s insane, and AMAZING. I need to see more, and your post just fuels that fire! So so beautiful!

  5. I would visit Canada just for those lakes alone! I’m from the US and literally have never been. Plus, I’m really North in the US, and could have easily taken a trip within a few hours to Canada! Maybe I’ll plan one for once it’s safe to travel again. 🙂

  6. It was just one year ago that I visited Banff in Alberta and boy do I already want to go back! In fact, we want to move to Calgary so we can have Banff as our weekend getaway every weekend! Canada is so gorgeous!

  7. So many reasons to visit Canada! I definitely want to check out some of the mountain & lake action. Hopefully soon we can make the trek. For now, we’re enjoying Canadian maple syrup from across the border! Thanks for a great post.

  8. ahh as someone who lives in Canada I can relate to all of this! So true and I would love to explore the country by train!

  9. Such a great post! Canada looks amazing and I’m so determined to visit ASAP! The scenery looks insane!

  10. These are all such amazing reasons to visit Canada, and I’m especially drawn by the mountains and coastlines! Banff has been on my bucket list for ages now. Can’t wait to go one day and thanks for the added inspo! 🙂

  11. I had no clue that the Northern Lights were visible in Canada as well, that’s amazing. I would love to visit this beautiful country one day. These photos only add to my current travel bug!!

  12. I agree with all those reasons plus about 100 more. I travel to Canada as much as I can. Can’t wait until Canada opens up for US citizens. I’m looking forward to visiting soon.

  13. Happy Late Canada day!!

    I totally agree with all of this. We moved here for three years, but I can’t quite imagine going home now…(wish me luck with our PR application -eep!) I just love how welcoming it is, and how amaaaazing it is for hikers. Oh! and I’d add amazing waterfalls to all those blue lakes. I LOVE hiking to waterfalls here.

    Having said that…after three years, I still didn’t see a moose! I need to up my wildlife game. 🙁

  14. Canada looks so beautiful and every Canadian I have ever met is always so kind – I would love to visit Canada! Thanks for sharing this post, you’ve given me more reasons to add Canada to my list 🙂

  15. I often forget that Canada has great Northern Lights views! I always think of Alaska and Norway. It’s much closer to home for me just to visit Canada for this!

  16. Great post! I haven’t been to Canada in forever but it’s such a beautiful place and the people are so nice. Hopefully I’ll get to go again soon.

  17. Can you believe I haven’t been to Canada yet? It’s been on my bucket list for ages… These are great reasons to visit Canada, especially the stunning views and culture-related attractions, not to mention the friendly people. I have met lots of Canadians over the years during my travels and honestly, they were all super-friendly and fun!

  18. Wow, I had no idea for many things from this list! For example that the population is only 38 million people! I definitely want to visit Canada…. more than once 🙂

  19. Great post, I love Canada so much! My Auntie is from the UK and also moved to Canada. I’ve been to visit her and we went on a road trip to the rockies! Everywhere we went was so stunning!

  20. I think a lot of people in the U.S. in particular forget about our neighbor to the north as we plan our travels. There’s so much to see up there, especially for outdoorsy folks. We’ve admittedly only seen much of the cities. So much exploring to do!

  21. We are hoping the borders will open back up soon so we can explore more of Canada towards the end of this summer! We have been to a few spots, and it is a beautiful country but definitely want to see more of it. We have featured some great items on your list.

  22. You don’t have to tell me twice! I love Canada and agree the culture and nature are unmatched. I’d love to head west one day, so much still to see!

  23. Oh Canada was definitely on my bucketlist already, and I’m sure there’s way more than 10 reasons! Even only my love for maple syrup would be a sufficient one though ahah. Saving this for later!

  24. Great post! I visited Canada for the first time last year and looking forward to going back again, as there’s still *so* so much more to see & do.

  25. All the reasons are fantastic and I already have Canada on my list of places to visit. I am dying to see Banff especially.

  26. My mom and I took a train trip from Kansas City through the US and then up to Montreal/Toronto/Niagara. The train travel in Canada is amazing, even along those routes. So easy. I would love to see a lot more of Canada when we can again.

  27. How beautiful! I must admit that I’ve never been to Canada even though I lived in the US for three years. What a shame! I’m really looking forward to visiting some day, especially because of the nature, wildlife, and culture.

  28. I loved my visit to Canada and I can’t wait to get back. I was supposed to be going in September but sadly had to cancel. Still haven’t seen the lakes of Canada yet so need to do that soon. I would also say that a good reason to visit is for the local wine

  29. Yes for train travel!! I took the VIA across the provinces a couple years ago and it was one of the best experiences!! So incredible seeing the distinct landscapes of the provinces (I used to never venture outside of Vancouver, haha) <3

  30. I totally agree with all of these! I live about 30 minutes from the border (in VT) and we love to go grocery shopping in Canada and spend afternoons there! My grandmother always said your ketchup and raspberry jam are so much better than in the US because Canadians use real sugar and not high fructose corn syrup!😂

  31. I have just moved back to Australia after living in Canada for 3 years and this post makes me miss it soooo much!
    All of your 10 reasons are so correct. My favourite things are the mountains and the lakes. I would go back to Lake Moraine every day if I could!! Ohh and I LOVE the maple syrup! I bought lots of that back to Oz with me! haha

  32. I was supposed to visit in Canada this summer 🙁 I really hope I’ll be able to come next summer and see everything it has to offer. Thank you for sharing this!

  33. I have always dreamt of visiting Canada, there is something that draws me towards it! And your post just accentuated my feelings. What a beautiful country. In fact, I never knew about the cultural aspects that you mentioned. Is there any book that you recommend to know Canadian culture better?

  34. As a Canadian I agree with 9/10 of your reasons to visit. My only disagreement is rail travel – ours is SO subpar compared to other places in the room. I think it’s brilliant on the West Coast, but it’s so bad once you get past Alberta. It’s also more expensive than flying!

  35. You’d be the perfect advocate for a new Visit Canada campaign, we need the tourism board to reach out to you asap! Gorgeous pictures, especially of the coastline and the mountain range. Canada has a lot to offer and I am ware that there is a lot of active outdoor things to do and a road trip may be the best option for a first time visit. I would love to visit one day and also learn about the indigenous cultures. You, Rianna and Lyn are all giving me signs and planting the seed.

    Carolin | Solo Travel Story

  36. I have friends who relocated to Canada and love it there so much that they plan to bring their extended families as well. They talked about how cool and welcoming the cities are as well as excellent train system. The reasons are very compelling and visiting Canada one day would be an absolute treat. I once saw The Race Across The World on Canada and I was smitten of how diverse the landscape, its vastness and the Canadians themselves in their easy-going attitude to life #flyingbaguette

    Jan –

  37. I’ve only seen Toronto and Montreal and they are pretty cool, but I’ve been aching to see more of the natural beauty of the country. It’s absolutely stunning with such diversity. I truly believe Canada is an underrated country for travelers!

  38. What an excellent synopsis of why to travel to Canada and I have to say, I would agree with them all.
    The variety of things to do and see here is enormous and not forgetting that the country is huge also.
    Some friends of mine have moved to Canada and say it is the best thing they have ever done!

  39. So many reasons to visit Canada! I visited Western Canada when I was a little girl, and again for work around 20 years ago, and have been hankering to return. This year we’re planning a trip to Nova Scotia. The wide, open spaces, beautiful landscapes and wildlife are a big draw, as is the friendliness and politeness of the people we meet. And, well, you can never go wrong with maple syrup!

  40. If there were any doubts about visiting Canada, they would certainly be dispelled here. I believe there are many more reasons to explore this incredible country, so full of natural beauty and biodiversity. This post is very useful for anyone who wants to choose a sort of top 10 reasons to visit Canada. I am convinced 🙂


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