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Been thinking about starting a blog for a while have you? Still not getting anywhere, or not sure why you should? I mean, who would want to read what you write? Well, you’d be surprised. But that’s not the only reason there is to start a blog. It doesn’t have to be something that millions of people read. And you don’t necessarily need to be a world class writer. Sometimes a blog is just a way of expressing yourself. Getting your creativity on! But if you’ve been wondering if you should start a blog, or need some encouragement to do so, I’m here. About to give you some kick ass reasons to start your own blog today.
Keep track of what you do
You know that question you get at the end of every year? Someone always asks you “what was the best moment for you this year?”. I don’t know how many times I had to think really hard. Not because I was deciding, but because the year went by in the blink of an eye and I couldn’t even remember what I’d done. You must get that too. But having a blog is good for this, because you can easily keep track of the things you do.

For me, I can often forget about the small details of the trips I take. I have really nice photos but I can’t always piece together the funny thing that happened here. Or the really weird thing that happened there. Sometimes when you travel you have a moment. A moment you think to yourself “I’m going to remember this in a year”. But you don’t. That’s where starting a blog comes in handy. I now note all the weird, funny and crazy things that happen because they make for good story telling. And it’s not just travel that you might want to remember. It could be a book you read, a new recipe you discovered, a feeling you had. Blogs can be about anything you want!
A new skill
Writing is most certainly a skill. And starting a blog can help you hone that skill. I always loved writing, but never really got the chance. What did I have to write about? Who would read it? But then a couple years ago I decided to start a travel blog. This travel blog. The fact that I’m still going means something. I get people reading it even. It’s a great conversation starter with people. It’s something to put on my resume: blogger, writer, owner of my own brand.
You don’t have to be doing this full time, or making the big bucks to be able to class yourself as successful. If you continue to learn and grow from it then that’s all you need. I have learned things I didn’t know I would ever learn. I learned about content, social media jargon, tech speak for web development. I’ve watched more Youtube videos on how to insert code into a site than I ever thought possible. These are transferrable skills too. When I’m at work now in a meeting with IT or marketing, I understand a bit more about what’s going on. I can provide insight even. You can teach an old dog new tricks after all.
Being part of an awesome community
Hands down my favorite part about starting a blog. I had no idea people on the internet could be so nice. Welcoming, friendly, helpful, supportive. Sure, you still get the weird people leaving you a comment or two on your social media sites, but the truth is there are good people out there and they have your back. The blogging community is one of the most awesome groups of people. I’ve been able to ask questions that I would usually be afraid to ask. Because they’ve all been there, done that, branded their own t-shirt!

When I write something people read it. Other bloggers. They like it, share it, comment on it. Without me asking. I do the same. It’s a great feeling to have people who are just as excited for your work to come out as you are. Even though you may be writing about the same subject, it’s like there’s not really a competition. Everyone has a different style, a different take on it. Just because someone planning a trip reads another bloggers post about a place, doesn’t mean they won’t also read mine. If you do start a blog, let me know. There’s nothing better than welcoming a new blogger into the mix. OK that last bit sounded a bit “pass the Kool-aid” didn’t it? I heard it too. But the point is, bloggers are helpful, don’t be afraid to reach out.
Potential money maker
Not everyone’s in it for the money, but you can still be passionate about your writing and want to make a little cash off of it. There’s no shame in that. Starting a blog can give you a platform to create. And from that you might be able to get more involved in paid freelance writing. Then there are sponsored posts such as reviews or reporting back on a trip you’ve done. The odd free trip if you’re lucky. There’s also advertising. This is usually where most bloggers begin with making money. Recommending products you would use yourself, or services you feel are good services.
For a travel blogger like me, this could be hotel or tour recommendations. When people read your blog, like the sound of something and then see a link there it makes it easy for them to book something or buy something. And this is never at a fee to the reader. I have made small amounts of money through my advertising, and hope to continue to do so, but you also can’t expect it overnight. If you want to make money with your blogging, you can. But you have to be willing to put in the work, the time, the effort it takes to make that money. But if you eventually want to be your own boss and believe that what you have to say is important enough to be able to make a living, then definitely start your blog.

Confidence booster
Putting your work online for others to read, and asking people to engage with it is mildly terrifying at first. But the ego boost is real when you get that first like. The first time someone leaves a comment. Even more so when you realize you’ve helped someone. It’s ironic that you can really be yourself because no one actually knows you. But for me blogging has been a major confidence booster. It’s reassuring to hear feedback about your writing, especially if it has taken you a while to get the courage to share it. It’s great when someone thinks your pictures are good. All in all, blogging can really help you come out of your shell.
I’m a naturally shy person when I meet new people. Giant crowds of new people terrify me. I’m an introvert so often when I attend networking events for work I am as far from my comfort zone as I can be. But I find this has been easier for me since I’ve started blogging. I went to my first travel blogger conference in 2019 which was just three days of meeting new people. It was exhausting, especially with my introverted personality. But I did it. And I met great people. And ultimately I learned so many new things that have helped my blog.
Read all about my experience at my first blogger conference at TravelCon
How do I start a blog?

You’ve got the reasons why you should start your blog. So how do you actually do it? Well there are a few things you’ll need before you can start posting online:
- Hosting site. You’ll need somewhere to “house” your blog. I use Bluehost which has worked well for me so far. Sign up for Bluehost with an introductory offer here.
- A niche. What are you going to write about? It is travel? Food? Parenting? Fashion? Choose what you love to talk about the most.
- Design your blog. What do you want it to look like? You’ll need a theme – a look, a color scheme and a layout.
- Content. Very important. Can’t launch a blog without something on it. I recommend writing a few piece before you launch so you’re not always running to catch up with your publishing schedule.
- Social media. You’ll need somewhere to advertise your blog to others, a place to meet people in the same community.
- Passion. If you aren’t passionate about your writing or your niche, then this really isn’t going to work. It can’t be a chore you do, it has to be something you want to do. Money or no money.
Check out this related post to read more tips and advice on starting your own blog
Start a blog today
If you’re thinking about it, just do it. No more procrastinating. The hard work will be worth it, and all the good reasons far outweigh the bad reasons. Often our day jobs are not fulfilling enough, so here’s a great way to let your creative sparks fly and to do something you really love. Whatever your reasons for wanting to start a blog I hope you do. And I would love to read it when you publish.
Connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram.
If you’ve enjoyed this post leave a comment or share using the social media links below. What makes you want to start your own blog? What do you want to write about?

I’m terrible for plucking up the courage to share certain posts that I’ve had sat in my drafts for months! Although more recently, I’ve been holding off on a few posts due to wanting to keep them secret for just a little longer. I’m even thinking these posts could lead to more along similar lines which I’m looking forward too (provided I can keep motivation going for it).
Making money – even just a tiny amount here and there – is something that interests me but I feel like I’d need to share more on my blog first, and even then I’m not sure I’d even know where to start or how to go about approaching brands or such! I’ll have to start looking into this soon..
All great tips! The community is definitely one of the best things about it 🙂
I totally agree with the others. It was such a nice surprise when I started blogging to “meet” all the lovely people behind the blogs. Plus, once you’re friends with other travel bloggers, you’ll never run out of ideas for amaaaazing places to visit! 😉