How Well Do You Know Canada? Find Out With This Quiz

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Canadian flag and lighthouse

I’ve spent a lot of time wondering what it is to be Canadian. I am after all a Canadian citizen (and live in Vancouver). But I wasn’t born into it. I chose to become Canadian. To leave my home country of the UK and move from one of the smallest countries in the world to one of the biggest. I get told I’m still very British, but my friends and family in the UK also tell me I’m becoming more Canadian. Neither are bad things. I enjoy being accepted into both places. But how Canadian am I? And how Canadian do you think you are? You don’t have to be born here to feel Canadian. Read on and you’ll see, maybe you’ve got maple syrup in your veins and a sorry! for everyone you meet. Take the quiz at the end to find out How Well Do You Know Canada?

How polite are you?

Do you throw out more Sorrys than a Justin Bieber song? Are you likely to apologize for something someone else did? To them? If you answered yes to any of these then you might be a little more Canadian than you think. Canadians are notoriously polite. That’s not a bad thing right? Surely there are lots of people who could take a leaf out of the Canadian Handbook. No that’s not actually a thing, but wouldn’t it be cool if it was? Like everyone gets one at birth and it’s just your guide to being a good Canadian *notes down genius money making idea*.

Canadians are super polite

What music do you rock out to?

We already covered the Biebs. But if you find yourself knowing every word to a Shania Twain song, all but worshiping The Tragically Hip or even contemplating getting a lighter out when Bryan Adams’ Everything I Do… comes on the radio then you could be blessed with the musical taste of a Canadian. These guys might seem obvious but here are some other Canadian musicians you might not know are Canadian: Drake, Neil Young, The Weeknd, Nickelback, Avril Lavigne, Nelly Furtado, Alanis Morissette and Celine Dion. OK the last one was a little bit obvious. So just how Canadian are you and your musical taste?

Just how much do you love maple syrup?

Your favorite donut is a maple dip right? If you answered no I think we have the answer to how Canadian are you? While we don’t drink maple syrup straight from the bottle (often) there’s basically maple flavored everything no matter where you go. None of this regular pancake syrup, we want good ol’ Canadian maple syrup. And lots of it. Us Canadians have a bit of a sweet tooth when it comes to our favorite syrupy goodness.

maple syrup bottle

Do you live for the Winter Olympics?

We love sports as much as the next country, but you can bet if anyone will get most excited about the Winter Olympics it will be a Canadian. I mean we live for anything snow, ice and generally cold related. Not because Canada is all snow. We don’t all live in igloos. But there’s no greater national pastime than a game of hockey. Watching it, playing it, you name it. So it’s always fun to count the gold medals as they come pouring in for the Olympic sports we love. I bet everyone can tell you where they were during the 2010 gold medal game.

But do you have your own teeth?

There is a downside to all this hockey. You might be a tooth or two short of a full set of pearly whites. Hockey pucks are hard and fast, and if you have ever played hockey you’re likely to have had a brush with one a little too close for comfort. Hockey can be a rough sport. It’s not a lazy Sunday afternoon game you might watch or play. It’s hardcore with fighting (both on the ice and off). Isn’t it great?!

Can you name all the provinces and territories?

That’s right, we do not have states! We have provinces and territories. There are 10 provinces and three territories in total, so not like having to learn 50. Or how ever many counties the UK has (I give up at that game, but I’m sure at least half end in Shire). In Canada you’ve got the provinces of (from West to East) British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland & Labrador. The territories are (from West to East) Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Still think you’re doing well? Keep reading to take our How Well Do You Know Canada quiz.

Canada sign Victoria BC

What’s your favorite coffee shop?

Didn’t answer Tim Horton’s? Yeah, I think we need your citizenship back. If you don’t know what Tim Horton’s is, then you’re missing out. Timmy’s is a Canadian staple. Get out of here Starbucks, we have Timmy’s. Good coffee, cheap sandwiches and delicious donuts mean that once you try it you won’t be able to go back. And if you really know what’s up then you’ll know you can’t leave Tim Horton’s without a box of Timbits. That’s donut holes to any non-Canadians out there. They’re amazing and only Timbits will suffice to describe them.

Can you translate Canadian?

I think every country has their own words for things, but I swear I needed a translator when I first got here. I grew up in the UK and knew a lot of American words from TV and movies. But I was genuinely confused when I first arrived in Maple-land and was asked if I had a Loonie. What do you even say to that? Turns out that’s the nickname of the one dollar coin (because the coin has a picture of the Loon bird on it, not because the money is a little loco). The bathroom (or toilet) is the washroom. Pop is a soda drink. And a Canuck is a Canadian person. Knowing some of these words will really help you answer how well do you know Canada?

Canada word cloud

Where do you most feel at home?

If you say the big city then it’s probably because you grew up in either Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver. If you said the mountains or in the middle of nowhere by a lake, then you’ve definitely got the Canadian spirit. This country is so big and there are so few people. Why not grab a little of that never ending space and go find yourself. Or better yet, lose yourself.

So how well do you know Canada?

I think we’re almost ready for you to take the ultimate test. It will make you question everything you’ve ever knew about Canada. You could come out of this with a very important decision to make: do you move to Canada? I’m just kidding, this quiz isn’t that important, it’s just a bit of fun to see how well do you know Canada. But let’s see what you’re made of and share your results with your friends and try to out-Canada them. Still not sure about Canada? Here are 10 amazing reasons why Canada should be on your list!

If you’ve enjoyed this post leave a comment or share using the social media buttons below. So how well do you know Canada? Let me know and test your friends and family too.

How well do you know Canada?
How Canadian are you?

13 thoughts on “How Well Do You Know Canada? Find Out With This Quiz”

      1. From in the middle of nowhere with a lake 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ Now I live in Vancouver, but I’ll always feel more at home in the middle of nowhere haha. Fun post!

  1. I love your quiz! I got 4 right, but 3 were from guessing. The only question I was actually sure about was the language one. I probably should have read your post before taking the quiz instead of the other way around, haha!

  2. Fun quiz!! But I seem to have a bit more to learn.. When I asked my previous employer to relocate me, I was thinking about our office in Canada. They came back with an offer to sent me to Germany. My reply: “I don’t speak any German, but I speak Canadian fluently!” Never made it to Canada and spent 2 years in Hamburg. Canada is still on my list of countries to live in.

  3. This was such a fun post! As a Canuck, I had a smile on my face the whole time! We really do love our maple syrup. Though I say bathroom usually instead of washroom, so maybe it differs by region. I got 11/12 on the quiz – missed the hockey gold medal question – but still feeling pretty proud!


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