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Most people like to travel. They work hard and plan their vacations. But they’re happy with their few weeks of vacation. Then there are the travel addicts who spend each and every waking moment thinking about the next place they can visit. Some that may be so addicted to travel that they create their own travel blog so they can think of travel more often. I definitely don’t know anyone like that! But if you ever need to figure out if someone has a bit of a travel addiction, there are a few (not so) subtle ways.
You know you’re addicted to travel when…
1 – You have at least three trips planned each year – one vacation is not enough
2 – When telling people about your upcoming trip, their only response is “Weren’t you just away?”
3 – On the million-to-one chance you don’t have a trip booked, you’re already planning your next one. Or two.
4 – You wake up and think of traveling
5 – You go to sleep thinking about traveling
6 – When hanging out with friends your stories all start with “When I was in…”
7 – When people compliment an item of clothing or something and you always say “Thanks, I got it in…”
8 – You can’t look at certain food without thinking about a similar item in another country you’ve been to
9 – A collection of travel magnets has taken over your fridge
10 – You can’t walk into a 7-11 without thinking about your trip to Thailand
Remember to take a reusable water bottle with you on your travels, like this one from FastTech

11 – You correct people’s pronunciation of food items because you had it in the country it originated from so you’re now that person (I’m looking at you Pho)
12 – Your phone gallery is full because you have so many photos from traveling
13 – You can order a beer in at least 5 languages but can’t say anything else
14 – Your credit card has some kind of travel rewards with it
15 – You have a box full of items that you got while traveling that you’ll never use but can’t get rid of “because they have so many memories”
16 – You add more to your bucket list than you check off
17 – Airport codes are forever ingrained into your memory so LHR, PEK and YYZ mean something to you
18 – You know your passport number and expiry without looking at it
19 – Someone asks where your favorite travel destination is and you get all Good Will Hunting trying to figure it out as you argue yourself in circles
20 – You’re a member of at least one travel group on Facebook (Girls Love Travel ladies where you at?!) because you gravitate to other like-minded addicted to travel people

21 – You have at least 3 good stories about getting lost abroad
22 – You’re more likely to take public transit to/from an airport because you travel so much you need to save all the money you can…for more travel
23 – There’s at least one foreign food no-one else has ever heard of that you love
24 – There’s at least one foreign food no-one else has ever heard of that you passionately hate
25 – People you haven’t seen for a while start every conversation with “And where have you been to recently?” knowing that a trip was never too long ago
26 – You have a favorite airport
27 – There’s at least one “dream destination” most people have that you can’t stand because it was “too touristy”
28 – You have a collection of miniature toiletries from hotels around the world from trips gone by (hopefully these will soon be a thing of the past)
29 – You have more than the entry level status for at least one travel rewards program
30 – You own a travel pillow, compression socks and packing cubes, and never leave home without any of them

31 – If you don’t have a trip currently booked you’re so anxious that you feel like you might be suffocating
32 – Your shoes and belt are off and your laptop is out of your bag as soon as you get in line for security at the airport
33 – Watching the inevitable person with liquid in their hand baggage causes you to mutter “how hard is this?”
34 – You’re the only one not hurrying to get on the plane as soon as it starts boarding
35 – You’re the only person who doesn’t stand as soon as the plane lands because as optimistic as you are, you know row 35 won’t be getting off anytime soon
36 – You’ve ever made a gift bag for flight attendants
37 – You have a favorite restaurant/bakery in another country – Gosselin bakery in Paris for me
38 – You know what time it is in any random country because you know at least one person in that time zone
39 – There are coins of at least 3 different currency in your purse right now
40 – You don’t change money back when you return because you’re sure you’ll be back there sometime soon

41 – The currency exchange place knows you by name
42 – You shake your head when people say they didn’t buy insurance because they “didn’t plan on having to cancel/getting sick/losing their bags”
43 – You randomly find boarding passes, museum tickets or used transit passes in your purse
44 – Your family are shocked when you show up for the holidays because they thought you were still away somewhere
45 – Each holiday season everyone gets gifts from your latest trip
46 – You know the names of at least three travel writers
47 – You can have a conversation with anyone and it always leads back to travel, and you’re never sure how it got there
48 – People always ask you advice for their own trips
49 – You’d rather save your money for travel instead of a car/house/designer clothes
50 – You love travel so much you created a travel blog so you can talk about traveling more (and give you more of a reason to go new places)
The cure for a travel addiction
If you came here hoping for a way to curb your wanderlust then you’re asking the wrong person. I’ll probably give you more places you want to visit than talk you out of a trip. Heck, I’ll probably end up joining you for fear of missing out myself. Unfortunately there is no real cure for being addicted to travel. It’s in your blood, and you’ll always be dreaming of your next trip. Might as well just give in and book a flight.
If you’ve enjoyed this post leave a comment or share using the social media buttons below. Do you think you might be addicted to travel? Which signs do you most relate to?

LOL this was a fun read and I am definitely 3/4 of this list!! Can’t wait to travel again!
I plan trips in my free time – like that is my hobby! My husband loves the Playstation, my friends like reading or watching Netflix – I LOVE sitting with a spreadsheet out, Skyscanner open, a handful of blogs at the ready and PLAN!
This extra time at home as got me planning trips for three years ahead of time! So yeah.. I maybe a tiny bit addicted 🙂
I feel so SEEN! Hahahahaha. 37 of them. Wow.
#33 every time! We once got stuck behind a family who insisted on finishing drinking their sodas that THEY HAD JUST BOUGHT! Who does that!!!
I’m guilty as charged on all the points. But I love it. Really fun post. I don’t think I would want a cure for that even if there would be some
Hahahahha this is sadly too accurate. I can tell you without much work what time it currently is in NYC, CDMX, as well as Shanghai and Hong Kong (I am from Europe). Also waaay too many of my stories start with “When I was in….”. Thank god I work in hospitality so it is not too uncommon. Love this post. Thanks for sharing.
I can totally relate to all of these 😂 #10 got me though – still drool thinking about Thailand’s toasties from 7/11 😂
This is so true, I can relate to so many things here.
I’m surprised to say that I answered “yes” to less of these then I thought I would have. So maybe I’m not as travel addicted as I thought!
#33 killed me! Fab post – definitely relatable and for sure can say I am addicted now haha!
LOVE it! I think it is safe to say I am addicted to travelling! Can’t wait for the day planes start flying, borders are opened and it is safe to travel again. Thanks for sharing such a fun piece 🙂
Such a nice topic to write about! I am sharing this with my husband. I can totally relate to this 🙂
I counted 47/50 for me!! haha I’m def addicted
I feel so called out by #12 about the phone gallery haha! I *never* delete travel photos from my phone
43 out of 50, I’m definitely addicited!!
This is hilarious and brilliant! I checked off about 95% of of these – and OMG yes the fridge magnets! And the old currency! And OBVIOUSLY 48-50. And just about all of it really. I feel seen.
Ahah it was so funny to read this list! I can relate to many of them! As a travel blogger and travel content creator, I can tell I am 100% addicted to travel 😀
I guess I am officially addicted to travel! 🤗
Haha, I am most definitely addicted to travel. I love this list. Almost at every point, I was like “yap, that’s me”… 🙂
Haha this is awesome. I’m definitely guilty!!!
Haha, I can relate to many of these! I guess I’m an official addict!
I feel like you’ve just described me haha. Definitely most of these…
Guilty as charged. Too many of these line up! 🙂 Officially addicted to travel!
So I hit 38, and only cause a few aren’t relevant. I like the belt one, that is so me. Plus the damn things are so uncomfortable on a tight plane seat.