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The world is a beautiful place, full of incredible opportunities and unreal destinations to visit. But to fully enjoy all of that, you also need to consider how to stay safe while traveling. As someone who has done a lot of traveling alone I already have a lot of solo travel safety tips I live by. But I also wanted to highlight some unique travel safety products and tools for traveling that might also help with an added level of protection, or comfort.
Travel safety products for anti theft and security

These products will help keep your personal belongings safe while you travel or make you feel more secure in your hotel rooms. The best defense is a good offense, so why not spend a little more before you go for a little more peace of mind while you travel.
A lock
If you’ve ever stayed in a hostel, you’ve undoubtedly shared a room with people you don’t know. While it’s good to believe everyone is the same decent person you are, it’s not always the case. So it’s only smart to bring a lock to secure your bags. Obviously this can help even if you’re not staying in a hostel. But hostels also often have lockers that need you to provide your own lock to use.
Anti theft backpack
It’s not practical to keep taking a padlock off your bag when out and about. So a good idea is to invest in an anti-theft backpack. Perfect to thwart pickpockets. I’ve been pickpocketed a couple times so this is one investment I would highly recommend.
A hidden pocket scarf
When I travel I like to split up my cash and valuables. Instead of keeping everything in one place I will hide some money in different places (toiletry bag, books etc.). But when you’re out and about this hidden pocket scarf is perfect. With one or two zippered pockets, they are big enough to hide cash, cards or a passport.
Portable door lock
Staying in a hotel room alone? Add an extra level of comfort with a portable door lock. Slide one piece between the door and the door frame (over the lock area) and attach the other piece once the door is closed. Bonus: they’re super small to pack.
Wedge door stop
Similar idea to the portable door lock, but a little simpler. This small rubber door stop is easy to pack. When you’re in your hotel room, simply place the door stop under the edge of the door and the door won’t be able to open from the other side.
Impenetrable card holder
Instead of carrying a big wallet, why not downsize? And with the added benefit of credit card safety. How? It is impenetrable by RFID scanning technology whereby people can scan your wallet for your information. Sounds a bit James Bond, doesn’t it? But electronic theft is on the rise and this handy compact card holder might save you.
A fake wedding ring
As a solo female traveler, I hate that this is even a necessary item. But unfortunately unwanted attention (and aggression when it’s not reciprocated) will always appear when you least expect it. And while the “my boyfriend’s right around the corner” excuse is getting old, having a fake wedding ring might help. A simple, cheap wedding band looking ring to deter persistent admirers while you’re traveling.
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. This is my favorite online purchase in the last 5 years. Maybe ever. The stylish magnet attaches by a ring to your purse and sticks to anything metal. For me that’s usually a table leg so my bag stays out of the way from potential thieves.

A pen and paper or your phone
This might seem super simple but carrying a pen and piece of paper in your bag might help more than you know. If you’re feeling unsafe, use it to write a note to your server for help, or to jot down a description of vehicle, a person or a taxi driver’s badge number. If you don’t have a pen, don’t forget your phone has a camera on it!
Travel safety products for warnings

Sometimes a warning is enough. Enough to make someone rethink what they were going to do, or enough to let others know about your predicament. Consider carrying at least one of these handy travel safety products that may protect you from anything bad happening.
Alarm with light and sound
Carrying a personal alarm is a good idea. This simple alarm, when a button is pushed, makes a noise or flashes a light. This can let nearby people know that you are in trouble. They’re cheap enough and it may come in handy enough to save your life.
Ideal to scare an attacker or take them by surprise. Blasting a whistle in someone’s face will give you extra seconds to take control of the situation. Small, easy to carry and effective, a whistle will also alert others to whatever you feel threatened about.
Personal safety alarm
A safety bracelet (like Safelet) can look like any other bracelet or a like a Fitbit. But there’s a hidden button that can be pushed if you are in trouble. And Safelet is linked to your emergency contacts so you can let them know something’s wrong. A non-bracelet version is called Revolar and can be attached in a variety of places to make it easily accessible to you.
Do you know the number of times I’ve been stood on a doorstep to a house or accommodation rental longer than I had to? And the reason: I can never find the lock to put the key in the door. Having a handy small keyring flashlight means you won’t be standing outside in the dark as long. It can also help show people you’re there or be used as a warning. And if you do have the option to have a weighted flashlight instead of the type for a keyring, then you can use it as a self defense weapon if you need to.
Travel safety products for self defense

Speaking of weapons and self defense, we’re now at the point in the post where I recommend some travel safety products that you hope to never need. I can’t stress enough that while some of these items might seem like a great idea, it’s best to do research your destination first and what can be classed as an offensive weapon vs. self defense item. Some weapons, like knives, cannot be carried in most places and you wouldn’t want to get in trouble or get it taken off you.
Safety kitty
The Safety Kitty keychain is a unique item. First of all it’s good to know that they are not legal everywhere, so check before you go. And you cannot take them on a plane or they’ll be confiscated. But this cute little kitty keyring will easily slip over your fingers and act as a weapon if you need it.
Your fingers go where the kitty’s eyes are and the ears are pointed and sharp, so you can jab your attacker. Simple. Effective. Even if you can’t find a kitty key ring you can often find kitty keyring making kits so you can create your own.
Lipstick pepper spray
Another one you should research restrictions before buying, but pepper spray can be helpful. Just make sure you know how to use it, and when you should use it. This one is unique in that it’s shaped to look like a lipstick. Compact enough for a purse, and not immediately evident to your attacker what you have.
Steel water bottle
Functional in more than one way. Who doesn’t want to save the environment by carrying a reusable water bottle? But if you get a steel water bottle, it can have a dual purpose and double as a weapon if needed.
Self defense classes
Plan for safety before you even leave home! Everyone should know basic self defense as much as everyone should know basic first aid. Both are survival tools that you are in control of. You don’t have to be a black belt in Karate, but even taking a class or two might keep you safer.
Travel safety apps

You don’t always have to carry something extra, it can be something you already have with you. Your phone. There are a number of different safety apps you can download to your phone and pin to your home screen for easy access.
Life 360
One of these apps is Life 360. It allows you to share your location, using GPS, with anyone so that they know where you are. It’s really helpful for solo travelers.
Scream Alarm
There are apps you can download that will mimic a high pitched scream so if you feel like you might not be able to scream yourself, or scream loud enough, the app can do it for you!
Google Maps
The app that’s already on everyone’s phone. If it isn’t, make sure you install it. Google Maps helps to make sure you’re going the right way when in a taxi. You can pinpoint where you are to stay safe and avoid bad areas. And since Google Maps can be used offline now you don’t even need to worry about racking up the data charges.
If you’ve found this post useful please share using the social media buttons below or leave a comment. Which of these travel safety products or tools will you use from now on?

The wedding ring trick is great. I also like the suggestion of door stoppers, will pick some up!
Great list! As a fellow solo traveler, I know how essential a fake wedding ring can be. Also love the doorstop since it’s so small but so brillant. Thanks for sharing.
Where has this been since I started traveling?! This is super helpful and didn’t even know about some of these like the high pitch screaming app. Sad we need items, let alone a few of them, like this nowadays, but we have to protect ourselves. I have a friend who travels with a fake wedding ring too and says it helps. I will be using this as a reference for all my future travel journeys. Thank you!
omg scream apps are definitely new to me, why have i never heard of that!
These are all very useful items. I hadn’t thought about the door wedge before but that seems like such a good one considering how many hotel or hostel rooms have dodgy locks!
Wow, these are nifty products, and best of all, they’re cute too! It’s kinda sad that women have to fake a wedding to stay safe. But that’s the reality of today’s world. :-/
These are quite useful. I hadn’t even heard of a scarf with a hidden pocket. I will definitely have to get myself one of those.
There are a lot of good products here. I would get like 5 of these. I definitely need the door lock and/or wedge stop. I had my hotel door once opened in the middle of the night. It has been one of the scariest experiences during my travels. I do not want that to ever happen again.
Woow there are so many of this products I have never heard or though of ! Great list, thanks for sharing!
This is a great compilation. Honestly I’ve never even heard of a bagnet before, that is awesome, haha, going on my list. Thanks for sharing!
Brilliant list. A fake wedding ring is always a clever idea. And a bagnet is an igenious invention! Loving these other high tech safety tips.
Some great ideas here (although some illegal where I live!) I think the self-defence classes tip is great. And I always use Google Maps when I’m in a taxi too
Omg this is such a useful article! I need to get some stuff now (especially a good scarf ahah!) The fake wedding ring tho – very handy
Thank you for sharing your experience and tips!
Such a helpful compilation of travel safety products! Got to know about quite a few products I wasn’t even aware of thanks to your post such as the safelet, bagnet and the scream alarm. The nifty hidden pocket scarf is also something I would be interested in purchasing.
So many great ideas! I’m going to check out Life 360 for sure! I hate to have to pretend I’m married but I’ve done it a few times with a fake ring and it does work!
Lots of great ideas on here! I’ve never even heard of many of these products. The Safety Kitty looks particularly fierce. And I’m very curious about that scream app! Ha!
Bagnet is one of my “feel-safe” accessories too! Had never heard of a personal safety alarm but sounds like it would work better than a phone during emergency. So checking it out now! This post also reminded me I need to get a new pepper spray, my old one has expired.
This is such a great list! I love that you mentioned taking self defense classes. I did them for around 10 years and I’ve found that they have gone a long way for my confidence when travelling (especially when alone!).
This is such a comprehensive list of safety products to have while solo traveling. I had one scary encounter on my own years ago and would have loved to have the personal alarm or safety kitty! Thankfully I managed to run to a police booth along the beach. I also hate some of these are necessary, but it’s always good to have at least a few of things in case you find yourself in a scary situation.
Never heard of a bagnet but it’s a good idea. I’m also in total agreement with you on splitting up valuables and cash; when I traveled through some sketchy areas I had some cash in my shoes, some in my bra, and some in a “throwaway” wallet. The things we do for adventures!
I love your list! I actually use some of these items, and I have to say the fake wedding ring is the best, a must in certain destinations where having a husband will be the only card you can use to get out of an uncomfortable conversation.
These are great ideas! I have a few of these, but some I’ve never heard of or even thought about!
Great list & not only for traveling- think these products are also very useful for my daughter at University. I did not know about the scream app but think definitely something all women should consider. Wedding ring really does work- had to get one when I was single & traveled a lot for work.
Thank you for introducing me to a few new products. I’ve added the door lock to my list, and the scream apps.
Excellent list! Of course the safety kitty is a must-add to my pet sitter travel gear. Thanks for all these safety tips!
The scarf with its hidden pockets is a great idea and the door stopper. Simple yet very effective. Thanks for sharing so many different items and keep safe.