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The best travel shows don’t have to be guided tours of a place to inspire you. They don’t need to say “and let’s go here…and then we see this” to make an impact and make you want to visit. In fact, sometimes less is more. If I’ve seen everything about a place in a show, why would I need to go? The best travel shows focus on brilliant photography, sampling local food and interacting with local people. Even non-documentary shows can make me want to visit by subtly highlighting some of the best things about a city where they are set.
What are the best travel shows you should watch?
Finding travel related shows has never been easier. They’re a big hit this year after not being able to travel for so long. There are a number of streaming services you can use to watch some of these travel series. Netflix and Amazon Prime are the biggest ones, but there are shows you can pay to download on Google Play. And if all else fails you can often find the shows on Youtube. Granted the quality of some will be better than others, but I’ve tried to note the streaming service where you can watch each of the series I talk about.
Our Planet
Available on Netflix
Do you ever have that “I can’t believe I live here” moment where you live? I know I do in Vancouver. Well Our Planet is like that. Except it’s not just the city you live in, it’s the entire globe. The cinematography is out of this world. Actually it’s very much in it! Plus David Attenborough, with one of the most fascinating and soothing voices, is someone I think we’ve all secretly hoped would narrate our lives at one time or another. I love finding out about animals I’ve never heard of and what makes them so unique that I can be engrossed in Our Planet for hours.
To me, every documentary series led by David Attenborough is iconic. This is just one of the latest in a long line. Each one better quality than the last. But for anyone looking to binge on Sir David’s narrated series you can also check out Planet Earth, Planet Earth II and The Blue Planet to name just a few. Did you know you can also learn online about the Great Barrier Reef from David Attenborough. Travel without even leaving home!
An Idiot Abroad
Available on Prime Video
Well there goes the title of my biography! An Idiot Abroad is a British travel series starring Karl Pilkington as a reluctant traveler discovering the world. The Office creator, Ricky Gervais, volunteers his friend to visit distant countries specifically to take him out of his comfort zone. There are some cringe-worthy moments and some hilarious ones too, making it one of the best travel shows to get into.
A lot of the situations he’s put in are on purpose to annoy him knowing he will hate it. But despite his grumpy nature, Karl is actually a very likeable travel host. I think because he doesn’t sugar coat everything. Which means you get real personal views of places he goes. He unashamedly likes his home comforts but is genuinely interested in the culture and the people he interacts with. So much so that he’s willing to put up with his friends messing with him. I’ve definitely had some laugh out loud moments watching this show, but also completely related with some of his culture shocks.
Long Way Round
Available on Prime Video
Long Way Round follows Hollywood actor Ewan McGregor and his friend Charley Boorman as they attempt to travel from London to New York. By motorbike. Hence going the long way around and not flying over the Atlantic. A lot of emphasis goes into the bike part of this show which I’m sure is to make it appeal to the Top Gear crowd. Which makes it one of the best travel shows for adventure travelers. And Ewan McGregor fans of course. This is kind of an older show now, but there have been two subsequent series which I also recommend. Long Way Down which has them traveling from Scotland to Cape Town. And the 2020 series Long Way Up where they ride the length of South America up through Central America to Los Angeles.
The most interesting angle of this show is that it’s not all plain sailing like many travel shows. It’s relatable that, like most people’s travels, there are hiccups along the way. Problems crossing borders, transportation issues (with the bikes) and general weariness from being on the road a lot. I think most travelers have felt this way before even if they don’t ride a motorbike from A to B. But Ewan and Charley meet genuinely friendly people who help them, take them in for shelter or cook them dinner. It’s quite a heartwarming series that actually shows one of my favorite parts about travel. The kindness of strangers.
The Layover
Available on Prime Video
Finally a food show, I hear you say. And this one starring non other than the late Anthony Bourdain. His droll sense of humor and nonchalant attitude kind of had me hooked on this show from the offset. Instead of highlighting what you might have days or weeks to discover on a regular vacation, The Layover highlights the ability to explore a big city during a layover. He visits hub cities around the world like Hong Kong, Dublin and Singapore. and he usually has about 24 hours. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less.
As someone who recently had a 10 hour layover in Beijing, this series gets me excited about maximizing a stopovers like I had. Where are the best places to go, how easy is it to get there, and what can you not miss if you only have 24 hours. It’s a really amazing concept. Some of the cities I have been to so I found myself nodding along, or cursing myself for missing these obvious gems. I also appreciated his laid back, always has a drink in hand, approach to traveling. It will make you want to cook your own international food at home I’m sure.
The Crown
Available on Netflix
How can this be one of the best travel shows, I hear you ask. You’re right, it’s not a travel show. But The Crown is set in London and other parts of the UK so you’ll often see references to famous places. The majority of the show is set at the Queen’s primary residence, Buckingham Palace, so that should be enough to get you started. While the show’s connection with reality has been hotly debated recently, the series follows the life of Queen Elizabeth II around real life events. Each episode covers something that occurred during her reign but then the gaps are filled with stories that are subject to interpretation.
But if you like London, or the UK, this is a great show to watch. And who doesn’t find the Royal Family fascinating, whether you support them or not?! Season 4 was released in 2020 and we’re up to the late 1980s. Being the Queen of the Commonwealth countries too or on state visits abroad there are often episodes set in different countries like Kenya, Australia, USA, Ghana and France. So it’s not all just the UK. Take the stories with a pinch of salt but the show is a good watch.
Travels With My Father
Available on Netflix
Travels With My Father is one of my current best travel shows to binge watch. It’s absurd at times and there has to be some scripting or at least pre-planning of some of the situations that come up. But it’s funny and entertaining and relatable to anyone who has traveled with a parent or a relative from a different generation.
The series follows English comedian Jack Whitehall and his father Michael who in season 1 take a “gap year” to travel South East Asia including Thailand and Vietnam. Jack is a bit of joker, over the top at times, but funny nonetheless. His father is a bit of a grumpy old man. Basically Karl Pilkington from An Idiot Abroad in 30 years. Except he travels everywhere in a three piece suit and is incredibly posh.
Travels With My Father continued with season 2 in Europe, season 3 in the USA and season 4 in Australia. I think the earlier seasons were my favorite but all have their good points and are worth a watch.
Street Food
Available on Netflix
For a different type of food show I really enjoyed Street Food. The first season was about Asia, the second season is about Latin America. Because the show is documentary style about the street food cooks themselves, it gives a much more in depth look at each of their stories. That’s one of the best things about this show. It’s not just a host running into a food place, getting their best dish and leaving. It recounts how that person came to be in the street food industry.
The only downside for me was that because of these stories it means a lot of interviews are not in English. Completely understandable, and not anything wrong with that. I’m fine with subtitles, but it meant I had to be in the right mood for the show as it needed a higher level of concentration. That said, if you don’t let that stop you I think you’ll love this show and it provides you with more of a connection to the people they feature. All of whom have really incredible stories.
Emily In Paris
Available on Netflix
You don’t have to be in love with this show to have it make you want to visit Paris. Or in my case visit Paris again. Paris is one of my favorite cities so I’ll admit I watched this show purely because I was missing the city, and not the for the quality of the show. It’s an easy show to watch as it follows a US marketing executive, Emily, who has the opportunity to live and work in Paris. Of course the show centers around her love life and the job she’s doing. But it also shows what it’s like for a first time visitor to Paris. A city that has standards maybe not easily met by outsiders.
Emily In Paris plays on some serious French stereotypes so remind yourself the show is for entertainment purposes only. But it’s a cute show that you’ll probably blast through in a week. The characters grow on you, well most of them do. And while you might get a little tired of the everything-always-magically-comes-up-roses-for-Emily storylines, it’s a decent watch. For me though, it’s all about seeing Paris through the eyes of someone who has never been there. Discovering the magic that is the City of Light.
Down To Earth With Zac Efron
Available on Netflix
I was not the biggest fan of Zac Efron. I only really knew him from High School Musical and a number of hit and miss comedy movies. So when I heard about Down to Earth I honestly wasn’t convinced how much this Hollywood actor would have to contribute. But I was actually pretty impressed. The show aims to promote sustainable living and discover some of the best kept secrets from around the world. Each episode looks at a different country highlighting everything from using sustainable natural resources, diet, water and pollution.
Zac Efron has a good way of interacting with the people he meets. He’s genuine in his interest to not only learn but to get his hands dirty. I think that was what was pleasantly surprising to me. Personally I wasn’t as keen on his friend Darin whose obsession with clean living sometimes became a little preachy. Especially for a vegan who appeared to eat honey, cheese and milk over the series. What I did love about the show was seeing some of the beautiful places they visited. That started in Iceland for episode one and renewed my desire to visit the country immediately.
Around The World By Train With Tony Robinson
Available on Youtube
I’m a bit of a train geek. It’s definitely the most stylish and classy way to travel in my opinion. A true romantic way to get around. Well for anyone who hasn’t had to wait for a delayed train on a cold UK platform. But what I like about this show is that Tony Robinson, UK actor turned documentarian, gets about as excited as I would get about traveling. He seeks out some of the best train journeys in the world from the Trans-Siberian to Rocky Mountaineer.
The trains are certainly impressive but so are the views of the regions he travels through, and that to me makes this the perfect travel show. I want to book a seat on each and every one of these train journeys, which I guess is the point of the show. Many of them are a bit more luxurious than the average traveler might be able to afford. But there are some incredibly bucket list worthy train rides here to aspire to travel. So my advice is to get saving before you commit to watching this show. You’re welcome!
Derry Girls
Available on Netflix
Also not a travel show, but Derry Girls is fantastic for two reasons. One: it brings a much deeper understanding to “the troubles” of Northern Ireland in the 1990s and what it was like. But in a lighter way than a documentary would. Two: it’s freaking hilarious. The show centers around Londonderry teenager Erin and her friends who attend a girls only catholic school run by sarcastic nuns. Erin’s friend Michelle’s English cousin James arrives in episode one which, as well as giving everyone someone to constantly make fun of, shows how an outsider views the happenings in Ireland.
They get into various funny situations and with only a few episodes per season this is really easy to watch. Once you get used to the accents. Sister Michael, the schoolteacher nun is by far the best thing about the show. Watching her eyeroll every stupid thing someone says while muttering under her breath is the highlight of every episode. The show has some real sentimental moments but for anyone who knows anything about England and Northern Ireland in the nineties it’s especially interesting.
Dark Tourist
Available on Netflix
Most travel shows fall over themselves to tell you about the best things to see, eat and do in a country you might visit. Dark Tourist on the other hand, talks about some you might want to stay away from. Or tourist attractions, tours and experiences that are a little bit out of the norm. The first episode features the almost worship of Pablo Escobar in Latin America, complete with a meeting with his former hitman. It also deals with exorcism, satanic worship and a tour where you’re held at gunpoint as you experience what it’s like to try to cross the Mexico-USA border.
That’s right, this show isn’t for the faint of heart but it is a really unique insight into some places and things that people find around the world. I don’t think I would do some of these, but there are other tours and activities that might well be worth checking out. The shock factor is there for sure. The Kiwi presenter is really good, although I wish he’d talk a bit faster. I’m not sure if he talks that slow in real life or if it’s because he’s worried people won’t understand him. But you get used to it.
Somebody Feed Phil
Available on Netflix
I had no idea who Philip Rosenthal was. Turns out he’s the creator of Everybody Loves Raymond. And with nothing more than a desire to eat everything on the planet he sets off on a culinary journey around the world, starting with Bangkok. He’s quirky in a way that could be annoying, but instead ends up to be a rather endearing quality of his. In fact one of my favorite things about the show is his infectious enthusiasm that makes you want to try even the foods you’ve never liked. His often child-like wonder of the places he’s going and things he’s eating make you so happy you can’t help but smile.
His brother is a producer on Somebody Feed Phil and he video calls his parents from each destination to show them some of the food he’s tried. He treats everyone he interacts with like the best friend he hasn’t seen in 20 years, even if he doesn’t know them. It’s a lovely show. And while he is not a chef and doesn’t have any obvious talents that make him qualified to take us around the world, he is the traveler in all of us. Excited about new places and new experiences. Such a great show.
Indian Matchmaking
Available on Netflix
This is kind of a trash TV dating show with a twist. Indian Matchmaking follows a world renowned matchmaker who splits her time between India and the USA helping Indian people find love. There’s a lot of talk of arranged marriages, but this digs deeper into the science of matchmaking. I do like to hear the stories of others who have been matched and are now telling their stories decades later.
A lot of the people in the show are really nice and sweet and you genuinely root for them to find someone. Then there are the annoying, spoiled people who you can’t help but roll your eyes at as they deem everyone unworthy of being a match without even talking to them. It’s an interesting cultural journey through the world of dating and you get to see some of India throughout the series.
Finding the best travel shows
I’ll admit that I’m a bit of a Netflix junkie, especially this year. But I’m trying to balance my mindless entertainment with some genuine shows. And I think a lot of these documentaries and travel shows fit that bill. Sure I’ve mixed in some guilty pleasure shows. Because we don’t need to be learning all the time, right?!
And of course the best travel shows to me might not be the best to you. But I’ve searched high and low and logged some serious streaming time to find these gems. Seriously, there were moments when Netflix popped up with “continue watching?”. A subtle reminder that I should probably go for a walk, shower, or at the very least replenish my pint of ice cream to console my lack of traveling self. Too real? The point is there are some incredible travel related shows out there that you should enjoy. Whether your streaming service judges you or not.
If you’ve enjoyed this post leave a comment or share using the social media buttons below. What are some of the best travel shows you’ve come across? Are any of these on your list?

Lol yeeees I am so glad you included Karl Pilkinton! He makes me (and my husband) laugh sooo much! I love several of these shows already, so I am sure I’ll like your other suggestions – fab post Emma!
p.s. As you liked the Jack Whitehall show…I think you might also like the The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan.
Thanks for sharing these suggestions! I can’t believe we have to think about things like this because we are still so limited with travel! I watched the first Down to Earth and loved it! Iceland was an amazing episode but for some reason, haven’t watched the others.
These are some great suggestions! Since the UK lockdown regulations have just got more strict and Christmas is cancelled I might just spend my time at home watching these instead! I’ve seen Dark Tourist and found it fascinating…I’m so guilty of being drawn to ‘dark’ tourist attractions! I’ve heard lots of good things about Emily in Paris but I haven’t watched it yet so I might add it to the list. Thanks for the great suggestions!
I’ve only seen a couple of these – I loved the Zac Efron show it was so interesting to watch! I’ll be looking into some more that you’ve listed for sure.
I haven’t seen any of these shows but will keep on the radar as the winter goes on!
I have seen a couple of these, I love Our Planet. I definitely need to watch Street Food, because that is the exact type of show that I love.
This list has a show for everyone! I’d be interested in The Layover since I travel quite often. My layovers haven’t been that long, but now I’m considering adding a long one to explore another country. An Idiot Abroad also sounds like a good show.
Love this kind of articles! We loved Somebody feed Phil and currently watching the The Crown, I keep your article for next 🙂
What a cool idea for a blog! While i generally am not a TV watcher, there were a few series that caught my eye. I think ‘An Idiot Abroad’ would be quite entertaining. I’m sure I would Love ‘Emily in Paris’, as well. Pinned your list for reference. Thanks!
I love all the ones I’ve watched! (My blog is actually named after An Idiot Abroad lol) You should check out Departures as well, it used to be on Netflix but now I think it’s on Amazon Prime. I really want to check out the Zac Efron one, I didn’t realise it was on Netflix so I know what I’ll be watching in the next few days!! 🙂 (Also Derry Girls is HILARIOUS!)
The Zac Efron one was super entertaining imo. Im too.old for him to have been a heartthrob 4 me but he sure made this easy 2 watch 😂😂😂😂
You’ve got a few of my favourites here – Emily in Paris (love!), anything that Anthony Boudain did I watched (legendary!), Someone Feed Phil (fun!). I would definitely watch out for Travels with my Father – as I think Jack is hilarious. I would add a few to your list…Bridgerton (for London), Outlander (for Scotland), My Brilliant Friend (for Italy) and the Amazing Race (for global travels).
Ah this list makes me so happy – so many favourites here! I love all the food shows. And Somebody Feed Phil, Travels with My Father and An Idiot Abroad are all favourites for sure. I need to go back and watch more of Bourdain’s shows.
Down to Earth and Indian Matchmaking definitely got me through quarantine this year. Such good shows!!
This post is exactly what I needed right now! I want to watch several of these. Mostly The Layover. It sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the ideas!